Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

I am BUSY as all get out today working on my challenge entry for the Layers' Tweets Challenge. I am just about finished but I'm now at a complete standstill, I'm stymied, it's like I ran head on into a stop sign.
My fellow Layers' members tell of the tale of the curse of the challenge host - I have it! I am 75% completed with my challenge piece - I have one corner of my entry to design / finish - and I just cannot decide what to put in that space - - - I reached the dreaded Fork in the Road!

I love this picture, and I promise you will see it more than once at this web site. About the Fork in my road - - - I have a look that I am going for with this piece, but I also have an easy button option - they are not one in the same. I would love for any and all suggestions - I could babble on about the current state of the piece and you could give me suggestions - - but then I would take the surprise away from my fellow lurking Layerettes - can't do it. The reveal is Monday - the pressure is on - I work best under pressure. I'll come up with something and by next week you too will get to see the piece.

Here are 2 travel posters I wanted to share with you - I just love them. The one on the left is so fun - women shopping perhaps for clothing - I'd like to think it is fabric.

This TWA poster for NYC is amazing - it screams "quilt me"
Check this out - Interesting Philly Artist - - - Take a look at Mark Khaisman's web site - he's an artist that uses tape as his "paint". His work is so intriguing!

1 comment:

shaun said...

I know where that fork is!

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